78 / Because Capitalism


Shoshanna figures the U.S. is 30 years behind Europe in adopting interoperable lighting controls. She has a very interesting take on why that is. It all comes down to a market structure issue. It seems Europe has figured it out with DALI and the U.S. is still not coming together for the good of the industry. Becaus…, well…, “because capitalism.” Shoshanna Segal believes in the power of light to make the world a more equitable and accessible place. She uses both the artistic and scientific sides of her brain to illuminate the spaces where people live, work, and learn because this is the way she can effect change for the greatest number of people. Years of professional practice have taught her that lighting provides opportunities to realize synergies among technology, social interaction, and commerce. Ms. Segal practices creating these synergies as a Principal at Hartranft Lighting Studios. She is among the first professionals in the world to achieve the international certification CLD and is serving currently as president of the IES-NYC. Shanna firmly believes that all lighting professionals should drink bourbon (or at least brown liquor).

HartRanft Lighting Design
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79 / Would You Buy the Salad Without the Dressing


77 / NAILD Lighting Controls Certification