69 / Not All Superheroes Wear Capes


“Faster than a speeding bullet! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…!” Yes the people at Control Force are like Supermen or Wonder Women. After the sales rep has sold the equipment, and the installers have finished, and all those people have moved onto the next project, Control Force can sweep in, finish the startup, clean up the system, get it working as originally conceived and be there for the long term maintenance. Son of the founder of O’Shea Electric, Chris comes by this industry honestly. Finding his interest in theatrical lighting, he worked for, among others, Strand Lighting, Thea Enterprises representing Lutron, Chelsea Lighting, and most recently at PG Elite Lighting Service as Manager of Sales and Marketing. As Chris O'Shea Theatrical Lighting Design from 1996-2018, he has been a designer, stage tech, and board-operator for over 180 productions from the local church to Carnegie Hall. He is now the Head of Marketing and Business Development for Control Force. 

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70 / Plug In at ESTA Plugfest


68 / Educating The Owner